Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG)

This department is dedicated to providing prompt, innovative, and professional customer service with integrity and positive enthusiasm. We cooperate with our strategic partners to insure excellent product, delivery, and service with a fair return We seek to improve our service within our organization through cooperation and communication The OCTG team is committed to the personal growth of our members through mutual support, training, and teamwork to provide superior customer service.

Salzgitter Mannesmann International has offered quality Mannesmann ERW products for the past eight years. Salzgitter Line Pipe offers a size range of 4 1/2” OD through 24” OD OCTG casing. These products are all threaded in Houston. We are offering upgradeable casing and tubing that is processed in Houston. The available range of grades offered is H-40, J55, K55, N80, L80, and P110. The casing grades can also be offered with the High Collapse feature.

In Houston, Salzgitter maintains an inventory of over 20,000 Metric Tons in a wide variety of sizes and grades to meet your requirements. Our experienced staff can assist you with the necessary logistics and services to make your programs successful.

Oil Country Tubular Goods

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